what never lived Streaming Contest
From January 31st 12AM ET until February 3rd 10AM ET, you can enter the what never lived Streaming Contest for a chance to win a signed photocard!
Participate by streaming 'what never lived' by hannah bahng on at least one of the following music platforms: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, or YouTube (the Official Music Video counts too!) and upload onto X (formerly Twitter) OR Instagram your screenshots as proof along with the following hashtags: #StreamWNL #whatneverlived #hannahbahng
No purchase necessary to enter.
To enter you must upload onto X (formerly Twitter) OR instagram 2 screenshots together as proof of streaming: one screenshot from when the song starts, and the second screenshot when the song ends. The screenshots must show the time to prove that you listened to the full song and be uploaded immediately to qualify for entry!
Make sure to 'like'/'heart'/'favorite' (as applicable) 'what never lived' on your chosen music platform!
Watermark/write on all of your screenshot proofs with your username.
You must use all 3 of the following hashtags to qualify for entry: #StreamWNL #whatneverlived #hannahbahng​
30 winners will be chosen to win a signed photocard. The 30 winners will be chosen and notified individually by DM on February 5th. We will ONLY contact you from our official account @BahngEnt (X) or @bahngentertainment (Instagram).
Each person is limited to 4 entries per music platform every hour.
This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, or YouTube.